Thank you for your registration for Nutricia Global Virtual Conference 2023

Using the buttons below you can add one, or both sessions, to your calendar. The access link you will receive later will work for either session.

Find your best time slot

April 18th, 13:00 – 17:00 CEST

April 19th, 00:00 – 04:00 CEST

You can download the full program here:

Are you a healthcare professional or (carer of) a diagnosed patient?

The product information for this area of specialization is intended for healthcare professionals or (carers of) diagnosed patients only, as these products are for use under healthcare professional supervision.

Please click ‘Yes’ if you are a healthcare professional or (carer of) a diagnosed patient, or ‘No’ to be taken to a full list of our products.

The information on this page is intended for healthcare professionals only.

If you aren't a healthcare professional, you can visit the page with general information, by clicking 'I'm not a healthcare professional' below.
