Fragility Fractures Network publishes new evidence-based practical guide for the nutritional management of older adults

Nutricia welcomes the publication of the Fragility Fracture Network’s evidence-based practical guide for nurses on interdisciplinary nutritional management and care for older people, a much needed resource in the context of increasingly aging populations.

It is estimated that across the world a fragility fracture occurs every 3 seconds and 1 out of 3 people over 65 years of age will fall each year1 . In light of this trend, the Fragility Fracture Network (FFN) has set out to optimize the multidisciplinary management of people with/at risk of fragility fractures.

As people age, nutrition can be one of the key factors influencing their ability to remain independent through their ability to perform activities of daily living, as well as quality of life and ability to cope with health challenges. In their recent publication, FFN recognizes the role nutrition plays in preventing and recovering after fragility fractures.

"Without good nutrition, recovery from health challenges, injury, and surgery is, at best, delayed and, at worst, impossible. Health and social care services are failing those older people whose risk of becoming malnourished is either not recognized or recognized but inadequately acted upon."

Dr Hannah Seymour, Australian Geriatrician and President of the Fragility Fracture Network

Aging and inactivity contribute to muscle loss (sarcopenia) and bone weakness (osteoporosis), which can worsen if an older person is malnourished. If sarcopenia is not diagnosed and addressed with appropriate nutrition (including medical nutrition therapy if needed) alongside physical activity, an older person’s strength and muscle function declines and the risk of falling increases.

A fall can have serious implications for an older person due to an increased risk of fracture (resulting from osteoporosis). The ensuing result can be hospitalization, immobilization, loss of confidence and increasing dependence. After a fall nutritional care is key to help people regain strength and get back on their feet to resume activities of daily life.

"Getting the right nutrition at the right time is key for both preventive care and to ensure successful patient outcomes during recovery."

Dr. Ceri Green, Director of Medical Affairs and Health Innovation for Nutricia

As an educational partner of the Fragility Fracture Network, Nutricia proudly provided an unrestricted educational grant to support open access of this book which champions the benefits of good nutritional care for older patients and society as a whole. The editors of the practical guide are Ólöf G. Geirsdóttir, University of Iceland, Reykjavík, Iceland and Jack J. Bell, The Prince Charles Hospital, and the University of Queensland in Brisbane, Australia.

  1. Geirsdóttir ÓG & Bell JJ, Eds. Interdisciplinary Nutritional Management and Care for Older Adults. An Evidence-Based Practical Guide for Nurses. 1 st ed. Cham (CH): Springer, 2021.

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