7 tips to cope with confinement

1. Wash hands regularly


You can protect yourself and others against Covid-19 by following the social distancing regulations or staying at home as much as possible. Confinement is the best way to ensure that the virus does not spread to the most vulnerable, e.g. older people who have underlying health conditions, and everyone else. Quarantine is easier said than done, but we’re all in this together. 

2. Boost your defenses with nutrition

Try to maintain a healthy balanced diet by choosing from the four main food groups: meat, dairy, fruits and vegetables, cereals and grains. Drink enough water and avoid snacking while stressed by eating only when you’re hungry. Don’t hesitate to call your dietician or doctor if you have any doubt regarding your diet.


3. Give yourself a check-up


If you’ll be missing regular check-ups, do monitor your health with the tools you have at home. Weigh yourself once a week and take your temperature regularly.

4. Hygiene first

Just because you’re not going outside, it doesn’t mean you should stay in your pajamas all day! Personal hygiene isn’t just important to look good. Brushing your teeth, showering daily and washing hands are also essential to stay healthy. If you’re worried about slipping in the shower, you can use a washcloth instead to clean yourself.

Little girl is showing her soapy finger.

5. Keep moving!


While you won’t be running a marathon indoors, there are many ways to stay active at home. Avoid any high impact exercises (now is not the time to sprain an ankle!), instead carrying out gentle exercises and stretching to stay in good health. 

6. Keep Busy!

Therefore, it’s even more important for the person who’s preparing the food to follow safety procedures while cooking. In the case of tube feeding always wash your hands with soap and water before handing tube feeding equipment. Always use the open pack of feed within 24 hours (see the label instructions) and change the administration sets (giving set) every 24 hours.

7. The brain needs a workout too!

You can also exercise your brain to pass the time, for example by playing card games, crossword puzzles, Sudoku or board games. Enjoy educational documentaries and take breaks from repetitive and stressful news about the pandemic. Stay in touch with your family and friends by phone. 


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