How to check yourself for a healthy weight

Eating well is more than just a pleasure, it’s a necessity. Both your body and your brain rely on nutrient-rich foods to function properly. Given the current crisis, your normal routine has been disrupted. You’re not going out for groceries as often, and when you do, certain foods may be in short supply. It’s important to maintain a healthy and balanced diet by adjusting your meals, by using, as much as possible, the foods that are healthy and available. If you are managing on very little, the risk of losing weight is very real. Here’s a self-screening tool to use to asses if you have a healthy weight.

Your Body Mass Index or BMI can be used to quickly assess your bodyweight

Malnourishment is a state that occurs when the body is supplied with less than the minimum amount of the nutrients that are essential to maintain health. When malnutrition is suspected in adults a health professional will often measure the patient’s BMI. A BMI which is less than 18.5 may suggest malnutrition while a BMI which is less than 20 may suggest that someone is relatively underweight and at an increased risk of becoming malnourished.

How to check yourself for a healthy weight


The formula is BMI = kg/m2 where kg is a person's weight in kilograms and m2 is their height in meters squared.

If your BMI is below 20, if you notice lessening appetite or if you experience that you are losing weight unintentionally you should contact your doctor.

Information on this page is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Always seek the advice of a healthcare professional if you have any questions or concerns.

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