Frequently Asked Questions


Can pregnant women pass COVID-19 to their unborn baby?
Although investigations are underway, there is currently not enough evidence to determine whether the virus can be transmitted from a mother to her baby during pregnancy, or the potential impact this could have on the baby. Pregnant women should continue to follow appropriate precautions to protect themselves from exposure to the virus and, if experiencing symptoms such as fever, cough or difficulty breathing, seek medical care early.

Please consult your healthcare professional in case of any questions or concerns.


Is it safe for a mother to breastfeed if the mother has a confirmed or suspected diagnosis?
All mothers who have symptoms of fever, cough or difficulty breathing, should seek medical care early, and follow instructions, including those related to breast feeding, from their healthcare provider by telephone.

Breast milk is the best source of nutrition for most infants. There is currently no clinical evidence to suggest that the virus can be transmitted through breast milk. Infection can be spread to the baby in the same way as to anyone in close contact with you.

If you wish to breastfeed, you should take precautions to limit potential spread of COVID-19 to the baby such as:

  • wash your hands before touching the baby, breast pump or bottles
  • avoid coughing or sneezing on the baby while feeding at the breast
  • if you use a breast pump, clean it as recommended by the manufacturer after each use
  • consider asking someone who is well to feed your expressed breast milk to the baby
  • any other precaution as advised by your midwife, health visitor or GP

If you have any further questions, please contact your doctor.

Babies between 0 months and 6 months

What should I do if my baby has symptoms of COVID-19?
Seek medical attention as early as you can.

Does COVID-19 affect babies?
As this is a new virus, the WHO does not know enough yet about how it might affect babies. What is certain is that it’s possible for people of any age to be infected with the virus,. Clinical manifestations of COVID-19 in children are generally less severe than those of adults. However, young children, particularly babies, are vulnerable to COVID-19.

If you have any further questions, contact your doctor.

Can a baby wear a mask to go outside?       
As masks can be fairly airtight, they may be uncomfortable for a baby under 1 year old. Therefore, to limit risks, follow the recommendations from the WHO to help protect you and your baby from COVID-19. And to be really safe, you should limit exposure of your child as much as possible to large groups of people.

If you have any further questions, contact your doctor.

Babies between 6 to 12 months

What to do if my child has symptoms of COVID-19?
Seek medical advice as soon as possible.

Does COVID-19 affect infants?
This is a new virus and not enough is known yet about how it affects babies or pregnant women. It is possible for people of any age to be infected with the virus, but so far there have been relatively few cases of COVID-19 reported among children and in babies.  To date, the virus has proved fatal mainly amongst older people, often with pre-existing medical conditions.

Bottle-feeding and infant formula

How should milk powder’s utensils be disinfected?     
Bottles, nipples, scoops and bowls used by the baby must be disinfected; please clean them with clean water firstly, and then the utensils resistant to high temperature should be fully immersed in a pan and boiled for no less than 30 minutes. The utensils not resistant to high temperature can be disinfected by wiping the surface with cotton soaked in alcohol. If you have any further questions, contact your doctor.

My child is stressed about coronavirus – what should I do?
Children respond to stress in different ways, for example by being more clingy, anxious, withdrawing, angry or agitated, bedwetting etc. It can help to respond to your child’s reactions in a supportive way, by listening to their concerns and giving them extra love and attention. 

If you have any concern regarding the mental health of your child, you should consult with your healthcare professional.

For more information visit the WHO website.

Plse make text visit the WHO website bold for readability and consistency.

Information on this page is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Always seek the advice of a healthcare professional if you have any questions or concerns.

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