COVID-19 related topics for healthcare professionals

Given the current with COVID-19 circumstances, this is a time with substantial pressure and change. Whether this is due to the substantial increase of patients on the IC ward, extra shifts as colleagues are either moving to the IC or have fallen ill, or coping with incredible amounts of stress and anxiety from patients, colleagues or for yourself. From our side, we are immensely grateful for your service and we want to help where we can. We have identified a few topics where our support can be of help. In below sections, we offer a link to free COVID-19 related webinar series, provide information on iron deficiency and we have listed Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) and answers to these questions.

ESPEN experts' insights 

During the virtual 2021 ESPEN congress on Clinical Nutrition & Metabolism, Nutricia hold live experts sessions on the booth. Six international experts and dieticians shared key insights on the optimal nutritional care along the patient journey from the Intensive Care Unit to the community.

Watch the recorded experts’ sessions of by clicking on button below.

The role of medical nutrition in recovery from severe illness - learnings from COVID-19

Patients hospitalized with severe COVID-19 illness are at risk of malnutrition, muscle loss and long-lasting physical impairments. During and after hospitalization, nutritional management should be considered as an integral component of patient care1. Find out more about the role of medical nutrition in COVID-19 recovery, including new findings from studies receiving support from the NutriCOVer program.


Recovery from COVID-19 on Danone Nutricia Campus


Danone Nutricia Campus is an open science education platform for healthcare professionals. The platform grants access to the latest science in nutrition and health and connects healthcare providers from around the world generating discussion to advance the field of nutrition. In this section you can find educational content with some of the latest evidence, clinical insights and key recommendations on nutritional management to support recovery outcomes for patients with COVID-19.

Watch our free webinars for healthcare professionals 

To support distance learning, Nutricia have brought together experts from a range of fields to present new data and information relating to COVID-19. Subscribe to or watch our webinar series for the latest on the nutritional management of COVID-19 patients in ICU and post ICU discharge. Webinars are for healthcare professionals only.


The threat of COVID-19 on iron deficiency anaemia rates


Even prior to COVID-19 there are millions of families worldwide living on poor diets1,2. An estimated 1.6 billion people suffer from iron deficiency anaemia, out of which almost half are pre-school aged children3. Africa, Asia and South America have been identified as most affected continents3. Learn more in infographic below, including alleviating the impact of COVID-19 – now and post-pandemic - on child nutrition and iron deficiency anaemia rates, which can be achieved through a combination of practical strategies which support the mother and child.

Product accessibility & supply

In particular, the need for tube-feed products & medical devices for the nutritional care of critically ill COVID-19 patients, but also Oral Nutritional Supplements (ONS) are much needed for patients that may have difficulty accessing the products in these circumstances. We will provide you with needed information to help you secure supply for your patients and give direction on continued access to products in these difficult times.


Safety & instructions on product use


In some cases, working with medical nutrition or specifically tube-feeding may be new. In this section, we will provide tangible information to support safe and hygienic use of related products. We will also share the various options available for your patients with alternate feeding to the medical device you may be used to.

Health through nutrition & lifestyle

With COVID-19, elective and less urgent medical care is postponed either by mandate from the government or medical system or at the discretion of the patient. In this section we would like to cover health & nutrition topics that remain incredibly relevant especially for malnourished patients or patients at the risk of becoming malnourished. We will share emerging insight on specific nutritional needs for a.o. Oncology and Stroke patients, but also help you to maintain standards on screening for malnutrition, discharge management, and adherence management.


  1. Henrietta H Fore, Qu Dongyu, David M Beasley, Tedros A Ghebreyesus. Child malnutrition the time to act is now. 2020 Lancet. 2020; (published online July 27.)
  3. WHO2008

Information on this page is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Always seek the advice of a healthcare professional if you have any questions or concerns.

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The product information for this area of specialization is intended for healthcare professionals or (carers of) diagnosed patients only, as these products are for use under healthcare professional supervision.

Please click ‘Yes’ if you are a healthcare professional or (carer of) a diagnosed patient, or ‘No’ to be taken to a full list of our products.

The information on this page is intended for healthcare professionals only.

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